

Getting iPads set up

Hello, fellow METsters. Michelle Workman (Chen)here from Vancouver. I am the music director at Sutherland Secondary School in North Vancouver as well as teaching English. I’m also one of the Coordinators for the Kiwanis Jazz Festival. I love working with students and creating music. Nothing like jazz band at 7:30 AM!

I use a blog for my English class for homework, a website for my music program, and twitter for my PLN. I also get a chance to work in the district with other teachers and staff. The pic to the left was me setting up 20 iPads. Fun! As much as I call myself a tech enthusiast, I can admit I am a techie geek. My iPhone has apps for music as well as games (and texting.) I really don’t have a lot of experience in this type of course although this is my 7th MET course. I will be honest in saying I’m a little apprehensive!

Just a couple of pics of what it’s like in the life of a music teacher. Yes, that is the requisite sleeping band teacher on a music trip. Sigh. Believe it or not, a chaperone took that shot 🙂



Looking forward to working with everyone.



twtter: themusicwoman


Posted in: Week 01: Introductions